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Current Prize Competitions
cs4fn in conjunction with Queen Mary, University of London, the IT industry and other organisations run a series of competitions through the year. We also highlight other Computer Science linked competitions here. They can all be done for the prizes or just for fun. Whether you win or not you will learn some fascinating computer science just by taking part.
Humans In Space Youth Art Competition
Are you inspired by space? This is a chance to tell NASA what mysteries we will discover in space, and have your art displayed around the world.
You can submit your art, story, video or song until 21 October.
'Turing’s World' Short Story Competition
Show off your creative side in a short story competition run by Heriot-Watt University. To commemorate the hundredth anniversary of Alan Turing's birth, write a story influenced by Turing's work.
Animate your way to prizes!
In 2013 you’ll get another chance to show off your computer animation skills in Animation13, run by The University of Manchester. Create an animated film up to a minute long on your computer, and send it in – simple as that. Winners get prizes ranging from laptops to gift vouchers. You can enter beginning in January, and the deadline is 22 March 2013.
To find out more visit the Animation13 website.